To start - let's establish a fact: THE ST. BERNARD PROJECT WILL RETURN.
Over these two years, if I have learned anything, I have learned that - when they know the truth, and when they know that they can make a difference - the American people want to be part of the solution. How else can you explain the fact that more than 8,000 volunteers, from every American state, have worked with the St. Bernard Project to rebuild 145 houses?
I am writing this blog (to my mom's chagrin) because Americans care, because our volunteers and donors have kept the people of St. Bernard in their heart, and because the truth needs to be represented.
So, I start at the beginning: Truth 1 - The St. Bernard Project will return. We will return to St. Bernard, and we will likely spread to other Gustav-related areas as well.
What will we do? That depends on the damage wrought by Gustav? We'll likely do some gutting work. We'll certainly continue our rebuilding work, even if we have to take a step or two back - because our clients deserve no less. And, most importantly, we'll do lots of client work, because Louisiana residents deserve to know that the American people care about them and will not forget them.
Over the next few days, I'll use this blog to provide updates about our clients, our staff and our plans for the future. If people would be interested, I'll share some of my thoughts and experiences during our Gustav-required temporary exodus.
I have to go now, but please reflect on ways that you can be part of the solution in the Gulf. Pls post ideas, pls ask questions and please know that problems are not mandatory, but solutions are.
Good for you at SBP!! You are doing awesome work!! Best of luck to all of you upon your return after Gustav!
I hope you're writing from somewhere safer then Chalmette. Please be careful, and although I want you to return, only go back when things are safe. I can see the levees overtopping now, and wait anxiously to see how things pan out, but looks like Mr Go held out and will continue to do so as Gustav goes west. Thanks again for your dedication to your adopted city!
Ann Perez, Whitefish, MT
PS: Paul & family are safe in GA.
Zack - We are working with Andrea to plan a volunteer trip in mid-November with about 20+ volunteers from our firm in New Jersey. We will continue to plan for that trip and will be flexible as to the type of work needing to be done - as you say, if it means some gutting on top of the continuing re-building then whatever is needed. Keep up the good work and look forward to working with your team on our November trip.
You, Liz, your team, and the people of St. Bernard Parish and the rest of the New Orleans area are in our thoughts -- 24/7.
The storms will come and go, but the spirit of the place cannot be squashed. Suzanne and I look forward to the fundraiser here in Washington, DC, on September 8, assuming that circumstances allow you to be here.
Jon Elkind, Suzanne Mintz and sons
Silver Spring, MD
Hi Zack and Liz,
Thank you so much for starting the blog. National news is not covering St. Bernard Pasrish and we want information. We are so worried about you and all our friends and the residents of SBP. The only thing we heard was most everyone evacuated the Parish.
You are so correct: in addition to rebuilding homes, it is imparative to make sure the Government builds the levees and inferstructure around St. Bernard Parish to protect this precious community. MRGO and effects need to be exposed also. It has killed the protective wetlands around SBP and NO and created a straight path to put pressure on the entire area, to include the industrial canal,
Thanks for all your dedication! We hope to return in the spring,
The Bruckmans, Sacramento, CA
Faith to you and thanks for your work. Indeed, we are all concerned about the storm and wonder whether Hanna will come the New Orleans way.
Eckhart Tolle writes a story of man who says after events in his life: 'This too will pass.'
It would be helpful though, if we did build those levies four feet higher. I am surprised that not more expertise from the Netherlands is coming in to 'advice and consult'. They are now planning for the rising waters of the North Sea.
Take Heart, Jan van Asselt
Zach, Your spirit, determination and motivation are incredible and very inspiring. We are all concerned with all the people of New Orleans and it looks at this hour that the worst has not happened. Keep us posted. I'm concerned for the homeowner whose house I worked on the summer with SBP and lived in his trailer and did not drive. I hope he was able to evacuate to safety. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you! Joanne, New York
If people would be interested, I'll share some of my thoughts and experiences during our Gustav-required temporary exodus.
Please, by all means, do so. I'm very interested.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Thank you for keeping us informed. You are amazing! You are all in our thoughts and prayers. God bless! Marge
Liz and Zack,
Please take care and stay safe.
We will follow you in your commitment
to rebuilding St. Bernard and bringing everyone home. Thank you for your courage and inspiration.
My family volunteered with you in April 07, and I will return.
Randy Maccaughey
Tampa, Florida
Let the Republican Convention know about sbp. they are trying to look noble, giving out info on where to donate during their convention coverage. let them donate to you!!
Ava Stanton
Zach & Liz,
I read you spoke to most of your clients. What about the Nunez'? I saw the sandbagging on the levee near Plaquemines Parish and I know that levee is right behind Dawn and Marty"s house. Was the sandbagging successful? Did they stop the breach?
Joy Moon
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