To start - let's establish a fact: THE ST. BERNARD PROJECT WILL RETURN.
Over these two years, if I have learned anything, I have learned that - when they know the truth, and when they know that they can make a difference - the American people want to be part of the solution. How else can you explain the fact that more than 8,000 volunteers, from every American state, have worked with the St. Bernard Project to rebuild 145 houses?
I am writing this blog (to my mom's chagrin) because Americans care, because our volunteers and donors have kept the people of St. Bernard in their heart, and because the truth needs to be represented.
So, I start at the beginning: Truth 1 - The St. Bernard Project will return. We will return to St. Bernard, and we will likely spread to other Gustav-related areas as well.
What will we do? That depends on the damage wrought by Gustav? We'll likely do some gutting work. We'll certainly continue our rebuilding work, even if we have to take a step or two back - because our clients deserve no less. And, most importantly, we'll do lots of client work, because Louisiana residents deserve to know that the American people care about them and will not forget them.
Over the next few days, I'll use this blog to provide updates about our clients, our staff and our plans for the future. If people would be interested, I'll share some of my thoughts and experiences during our Gustav-required temporary exodus.
I have to go now, but please reflect on ways that you can be part of the solution in the Gulf. Pls post ideas, pls ask questions and please know that problems are not mandatory, but solutions are.